This space, I hope, will be a place of peace, and enjoyment for myself, and for any others who wish to view my creative expression. I welcome feedback on all, and look forward to growing artistcally with this blogspot.
I found you cousin! I love your pictures, your truly able to capture many of the beautiful things in this world so many of us walk by without even an after thought! Keep taking pictures. I ruv yew and we need to get together soon!
I'm Amanda. Here to share some of my it painting, photography, clay sculpture, or any old thing that strikes my fancy. I do welcome feedback, and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Blog on bloggers!
this fog was a good find. im so happy that you were able to get some great photos of it.
Manda, Love all your photos! Super clickalicious!! Youre limitlessly talented! The world is yours. -Saggy Mcballbaggs
Awww, you found Kermit. He finally kicked being green...Great shot Manda.
I luv you too lil sister.
I found you cousin! I love your pictures, your truly able to capture many of the beautiful things in this world so many of us walk by without even an after thought! Keep taking pictures. I ruv yew and we need to get together soon!
<3 AnDRea
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